Benefits of Dance Toward Schoolwork
Every child benefits from quality dance training, even though he or she may ultimately choose another career path. In dance, children learn the cooperative teamwork necessary to produce a high-quality work of art.
They develop creative thinking skills and the ability to push themselves to higher achievements. They learn an immense amount about music and rhythm and are introduced to the French language. They encounter spatial relationships and must think with both sides of their brain while learning to dance. All these skills will enhance your child’s academic performance, as well as their physical well-being.
Self-confidence and self-esteem continue to develop as a young person conquers new movements and grows more certain of his or her ability to apply themselves, work hard, and master any task put before him or her. Growing through this artistic process helps a child find the pathway to personal integrity and self-assured adulthood. He or she enters society with the ability to do well at whatever life places before them; and with the ability to maintain the uncompromising high standards absorbed during their dance training.